Top 5 Headless CMS for Your E-Commerce Website (2024)

Imagine being completely unrestricted in your control over the content of your online business! That is an e-commerce CMS’s power. Headless CMS, in contrast to typical website builders, isolates the storefront design from what visitors see from the backend, which houses the products and data. This gives you the flexibility to create the ideal shopping experience just the way you want it.

But where do you even start with so many alternatives for headless CMS? Rest assured, we have you covered! Here are the top 5 candidates for 2024.

This gives developers the freedom to design an adaptable and scalable e-commerce website using any front-end technology they choose, such as React, Angular, or Vue.js.

This article examines the integration of headless CMS with e-commerce platforms, outlines the benefits of utilizing headless CMS, and provides a list of some of the best headless CMS platforms.

Benefits of Headless CMS

A headless content management system (CMS) embodies a modern approach to content management. It separates front-end display from back-end storage and administration. In this setup, the CMS acts as a central repository for content. It distributes content through APIs to various front-end systems, including mobile apps, websites, smart devices, and Internet of Things devices. The design provides adaptability and facilitates the dissemination of content across various channels and platforms.

Here are some benefits of using a headless CMS:

Flexibility: The way that content is displayed is more flexible with a headless CMS as it lacks a frontend user interface. This implies that a single piece of material can be utilized across a variety of platforms and gadgets, including digital signs, mobile apps, and websites.

Separation of Concerns: A decoupled content management system (CMS) offers greater flexibility and development ease since it separates the content management and presentation functionalities.

Performance: Usually, an API is used to send the material to the client, which is quicker and more effective than having the content rendered directly on the server.

Scalability: The content management-focused headless CMS can grow without impacting the front end.

5 Best Headless CMS for Your E-commerce Website

1. Contentful

Top 5 Headless CMS for Your E-Commerce Website (2024)

E-Commerce websites can employ Contentful, a headless content management system. It gives developers the ability to use a scalable and adaptable content architecture to generate, manage, and distribute content for their online stores.

Developers can use Contentful’s user-friendly web-based interface to generate and manage content, and a robust API allows them to access it. This frees them from the limitations of a conventional, monolithic CMS and enables them to design rich and captivating user experiences for their e-commerce websites.

Since Contentful is adaptable, scalable, and simple to use, it is a well-liked option for headless e-commerce CMSs. It is a flexible solution for creating and running online stores because it also easily interacts with a variety of e-commerce platforms and tools.


Agile E-commerce Integration: The ability to create dynamic and customized purchasing experiences is made possible by Contentful’s support for composable commerce, which allows e-commerce platforms to be seamlessly integrated into the content editor. Sales are boosted, and client engagement is improved by this capability.

Content Hub: Contentful’s content hub serves as a centralized source of truth for content infrastructure, streamlining content management processes by eliminating duplicate content and reducing complexity for both editors and developers. This ensures consistency across marketing channels and enhances overall efficiency.

Localization: Contentful’s localization capabilities, including ‘Locales’, modular content, AI, and third-party tools, accelerate global content creation. This feature enables businesses to efficiently manage and deliver content in multiple languages, catering to diverse audiences and expanding market reach.

2. Strapi

Strapi is a headless, open-source content management system for creating and running online marketplaces. It provides a scalable and adaptable method for creating and managing content for e-commerce websites and is based on Node.js.

Developers can utilize Strapi’s robust, user-friendly interface to manage the data for their online stores and generate new content categories.

Furthermore, Strapi has an abundance of features, such as a strong architecture for plugins, enhanced security, and extensive user management. Its smooth integration with top e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify and Magento, increases its allure for developers looking for a headless CMS for their e-commerce projects.


Integrations for e-commerce: Although Strapi isn’t an e-commerce platform in and of itself, it works well with well-known programs like BigCommerce and Shopify. In addition to taking advantage of the design freedom provided by a headless CMS, this enables developers to manage products, payments, and fulfillment using the powerful features of these platforms.

Customizable Content Types: Strapi does not compel you to use content structures that are already established. Custom content types that precisely match the features and data of your product can be created by developers. This enables fine-grained control over the CMS’s storage and management of product details, descriptions, and specifications.

REST and GraphQL APIs: Strapi offers REST and GraphQL APIs for content access and manipulation, enabling you to send content to any platform or device that is able to use these APIs.

As a headless CMS, DatoCMS gives developers the ability to manage and select content for their websites and applications. Because of its renowned flexibility and scalability, e-commerce businesses looking for flexible content management choose it as their solution.

3. DatoCMS

Top 5 Headless CMS for Your E-Commerce Website (2024)

Developers can now effectively produce and manage content for their online stores without being limited by traditional, monolithic CMS frameworks, thanks to DatoCMS

Additionally, DatoCMS provides a range of tools and capabilities designed specifically for e-commerce projects. These include adaptable content architectures, compatibility for multiple languages, and smooth connections with top e-commerce systems.


Frequent security assessments: As part of its proactive security strategy, DatoCMS regularly submits security assessments to independent businesses. This constant watchfulness guarantees that your e-commerce platform is shielded from changing security threats.

DatoCMS provides free and open-source software development kits (SDKs) for several programming languages, including Ruby, Python, and JavaScript. These SDKs streamline the integration process between DatoCMS and developers’ chosen e-commerce platforms, saving them time and effort.

When it comes to giving speed and performance top priority, DatoCMS wins hands down. Its worldwide CDN integration, GraphQL API, and integrated image optimization tools all work together to give your e-commerce store blazingly quick loading times and a seamless browsing experience for customers.

4. Storyblok

Top 5 Headless CMS for Your E-Commerce Website (2024)

Storyblok is the ideal choice if you long for an easy-to-use and enjoyable content creation method. Storyblok is an intuitive drag-and-drop editing interface, so forget about complicated coding. This gives you the ability to easily create original and eye-catching product pages. Comparable to assembling Lego bricks, you can mix and match various content components (text, photos, and videos) to produce dynamic and captivating layouts for your online business.

Storyblok is not your typical content management system. It adopts a “composable content” methodology. This approach allows you to easily combine and rearrange reusable content pieces to create unique product pages. Such adaptability streamlines content creation, and provides the freedom to experiment with different layouts until you find the most effective.


Scalability and Security: Storyblok places a high priority on data security and provides a range of strong tools to protect your online business. Its architecture grows with your company, so even at times of high traffic, operation will remain seamless.

Storyblok offers seamless content delivery across several platforms, including social network pages, mobile apps, and e-commerce websites. This is known as omnichannel content delivery. This guarantees a consistent brand experience for customers.

Modules for Reusable Content: Storyblok welcomes the notion of “composable content.” This implies that you can produce reusable content building components (consider call-to-action buttons, product information sections, or embeds of videos). It is simple to combine and rearrange these components to create distinctive and interesting product pages.

5. Sanity

Sanity is a unique headless content management system designed 

specifically for creating and managing e-commerce websites. It is well-known for being flexible and scalable, freeing developers from the constraints of traditional, rigid content management systems.

Developers can use whichever frontend technology they want, including React, Angular, and Vue.js, by using Sanity. This adaptability includes smooth connections with other services and technologies that are necessary for e-commerce operations, such as inventory management systems and payment gateways.

Moreover, Sanity has real-time collaboration features that enable numerous users to work together simultaneously, improving website creation productivity and efficiency.


Custom Schema Builder: By building custom content types and specifying their fields and relationships, Sanity gives you the ability to plan and alter the organization of your material. This gives you the ability to arrange and handle your stuff according to your own needs.

Real-time collaboration: Sanity has integrated collaboration features that let several people work simultaneously on the same piece of content. Teams working on content-driven projects may find this helpful.

Adaptable APIs: Sanity offers adaptable APIs for content access and manipulation, enabling you to publish material to any platform or gadget that is capable of utilizing these APIs. When developing content-driven apps that must accommodate a variety of use cases, this can be helpful.

Integrating Headless CMS with Headless Commerce

Advanced Content Capabilities: Through features such as localization and version control, headless CMS integration enhances product descriptions, providing tailored content experiences to users.

Streamlined Workflow: Headless CMS and Headless Commerce collaborate, offering separate interfaces to content creators and e-commerce teams. This collaboration streamlines collaboration and reduces confusion during content creation.

SEO Customization: Businesses can improve product and content visibility and search engine rankings by integrating Headless CMS with Headless Commerce. This allows businesses to change SEO elements, including URL structures and meta descriptions.

How headless CMS can supercharge your online sales.Get a free consultation with our experts.

In summary, a headless content management system (CMS) offers unprecedented flexibility in managing website content while overcoming limitations in front-end design. When integrated with composable e-commerce platforms, it enhances SEO and provides robust content management capabilities. This synergy empowers businesses to thrive amidst the dynamic digital landscape.